Friday, September 27, 2013

Photo Paintings in Photoshop

Photo Paintings in Photoshop
Jack Davis of the Photoshop WOW books industrial a painting skill in Photoshop to is really cool. My hubby, photographer Dewitt Jones refined the skill promote, and I "painted a connect of columbine blossoms to I shot on the Scott Kelby Worldwide Photowalk. Here they are. (The skill is a smidgen complicated - paramount way to find out it would be from Jack and Dewitt themselves - emphatically so happens they are beliefs an "invitational" week in Hawaii next to Hui Hoolana withdraw pivot November 7 -13. They gave me agreement to invite readers of the Digital Diva. (Must be au fait with Photoshop.) Contact rrobertis@mac.Com on behalf of details or to register.)

The Apple of Our iPhones

The Apple of Our iPhones
Robin Robertis has complete it again - bent a spectacular image using a clean question count. She used iRetouch on this photo of an apple - I love it.